Meditation a technique against violence

The need to find an answer of peace and a deeper sense in life, has caused that the practice ofmeditation Copper more strength in our days. This reflects us that in spite of the violence, the different wars and the divisions among the human beings, we are entering, for a long time, in a time of changes, where the conscience begins to prevail over the violence.

The meditation It is one of the branches that should be practiced within the context of several millenary traditions. This technique is universal and does not exclude religions.

When meditate On a daily basis, we create a deep awareness about the body, we usually focus on some type of specific breathing. This allows us to be present and the mind does not wander. Some of the physical and emotional benefits of meditation are:

  1. Reduce the levels of stress Y anxiety
  2. High self esteem
  3. Improves concentration and strengthens memory
  4. Increase productivity
  5. Positive thoughts are strengthened
  6. There is more mental clarity
  7. Optimizes social, family, work relationships

In the meditation , and in life in general, the present must be our only reality and this technique teaches us how to live in harmony with ourselves. If we imagine that a person can generate compassion and love, now visualize a group or several groups of people doing the same, the expansive and collective effect, can end with certain degrees of violence little by little and generate much more harmony in the world.

Meditation is a tool that we can all use to learn to love and heal ourselves. In this way, there will be more harmony in our homes, we can expand it and generate harmony in our community and so on. Great changes accompany the meditation within a human being and within humanity. Do you practice? Visit:

Video Medicine: Transcending PTSD: Healing the Inner Scars of Domestic Violence Through Transcendental Meditation (April 2024).