The key is to forget everything

Surely on more than one occasion you have needed a brilliant idea, you have used it. The shower becomes our best ally to relax and concentrate on our thoughts. How many times have you said that about "this morning in the shower it occurred to me that ... ”?

It does not happen only to you. It is very common and has an explanation. The day psychologist John Kounios in the book The Eureka Factor.

You can also see: Sing in the shower and win all this


"The hot water from the shower relaxes our external senses and concentrates all our attention to the inside. It is a state of consciousness that promotes internal and creative thinking, explains Kounios.

When we are enjoying a shower, we forget everything and focus on our thoughts. The hot water relaxes us and makes us disconnect , and in that moment of relaxation it is much easier for an idea to arise.

It is as if our brain functions better at that moment.


The key is to forget everything

Maybe you need to solve a problem right now and you do not have a watering can at hand, what to do?

Do not fear, there are some other things that can help you concentrate on your thoughts and that the creativity flows:


  1. Take the body back and close your eyes , ignoring everything else
  2. Stare at the ceiling , as if you left your eyes blank
  3. Turn off the cellphone to avoid interruptions
  4. Isolate yourself from other people, with Ear plugs if required
  5. Do physical exercise if we have a chance

Now you know. In search of a great idea? Run to the sprinkler!

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Video Medicine: KTANE How to Forget Everything (April 2024).