Measures to prevent child accidents in the home

Those in charge of ensure the health and safety of children , like the Spanish Society of Pediatrics, warn that the moment when children discover the outside world, is when you have to be more alert and vigilant . Putting yourself in the place of the little ones and observing from their perspective, will allow us to know what catches your attention and eliminate the risks of an accident. Here we present several examples:

How to avoid electrical burns or electrocutions?

Place the computer, TV, stereo and other appliances properly attached to the wall so your child can not touch the back of these appliances where electrical connections are usually. When you are not using them, turn off and disconnect all appliances and place plug-plugs on all power inputs and outputs; Do not leave loose cables. Christmas lights are a latent danger: make sure the installation is well made and the cables are well insulated. As far as possible, place an electrical safety system that disconnects the installation in case of electric shock or short-circuit.


How to avoid accidents due to suffocation and choking?

Never leave plastic bags within reach of children They can put them in their mouths or put them on their heads and suffocate. For the same reason, they should not play with balloons. Always pick up small toys, coins, "button" batteries and other tiny items that your child can put in his mouth and choke; make sure that the toys are not broken and are made up of large pieces. Beware of food , do not let your mouth get too full or eat lying down, explain that you should not talk, run or laugh with your mouth full as it can choke; It is very dangerous to give children under 5 or 6 years old nuts because they can choke and suffocate, or cause a lung injury due to the oil that these products distil.


How to avoid accidents by poisoning?

Never tell your child that a medicine is a candy, as it may encourage him to take it on his own. Do not give medicines in the dark , you may get confused about product or dosage. Always store drugs high and in a closed and safe cabinet. Never take medicines in your bag or leave them in drawers, remember that any medication taken in a dose other than the recommended dose can act as a toxic and damage different organs or systems of the body. If you have relatives or guests at home, explain these ideas to them, they may not know them and may cause significant harm to your child.

If there are plants in your house, find out if they have poisonous parts and, if so, get rid of them. In an oversight, your child can suck or bite some. If you have guests and take alcoholic drinks , remove the glasses quickly, children usually drink the remains. Store alcoholic beverages always in lockers with key or in places inaccessible to children.

Be very careful with cleaning products, store them in their original containers, if possible with a safety cap; never put them in bottles of water or soda. Although many cleaning products are sold in containers with a safety cap, do not trust it, your child may be able to open them with a little time. That is why these products, including detergents for washing machines and dishwashers, as well as gardening or cosmetics, must be in lockers with security lock . Remember never to put insecticides or rodenticides in places that are within reach of your child.

Video Medicine: Preventing the 5 Most Fatal Home Accidents (April 2024).