Sadness that tarnishes your happiness ...

One of the most beautiful moments of a woman's life is pregnancy. However, this can be overshadowed by a condition that is frequent in many cases, but little detected: postpartum depression , although this could change thanks to social networks, Twitter in space.

The research carried out by Microsoft , points out that through the service "microblogging" you can detect signs of Postpartum depression in mothers based on changes in form and what they tweet. In accordance with Eric Hovitz, co-director of the Microsoft Research lab, It is possible to identify people potentially at risk of having an emotional crisis just by looking at publicly shared data streams.


Sadness that tarnishes your happiness ...

In an interview for GetQoralHealth psychologist Pablo Verde Comment that postpartum depression can begin at any time during the first two months after delivery and symptoms may include:


  1. Irritability or hypersensitivity
  2. Difficult to focus.
  3. Anxiety and worry.
  4. Unhappiness or crying
  5. Anger.
  6. Negative feelings such as: sadness, despair, impotence or guilt.
  7. Loss of interest in activities you usually enjoy.
  8. Difficulty sleeping (especially to return to sleep ).
  9. Fatigue or exhaustion.
  10. Changes in appetite or eating habits.
  11. Headaches, stomach pains, muscles or back pain

The expert also points out that one out of every eight women suffer from postpartum depression and every year in Mexico 400 thousand mothers suffer some degree of perinatal depression. And as with most diseases, especially those related to mental or emotional health, there is no culture of prevention to be able to detect them and much less diagnose them.

Having postpartum depression does not mean you do not want your child. It is simply a disease. Remember that your health is in your hands. Beware!

Video Medicine: Want to feel happy now? Free Reiki healing meditation to help (‘Walk on Reiki Sunshine’) (April 2024).