7 sequels of perfectionism

There is nothing wrong with trying to do things as well as possible. However, getting to perfectionism and falling into excess can turn your life into a real hell. Even, according to the Spanish psychiatrist Ángel García Prieto , perfectionists in excess generate a psychopathology.

In an interesting book titled "The perfectionist syndrome: The anancástico", its authors, the doctors Manuel Álvarez Romero and Domingo García-Villamisar, address psychiatric and psychological aspects of the perfectionism "Insane and negative", opposed to what is also described as "good and positive".

The experts point out 7 sequels of perfectionism that damage your self-esteem:

1. The perfectionism Negative can become, under some circumstances, a true psychopathological disorder, defined in international classifications as obsessive personality disorder.

2. Excessive perfectionism could influence the cause and maintenance of other psychic illnesses such as depression, eating behavior disorders, body image and anxiety.

3. The pathological perfectionist is characterized by an excess of control and exigency that becomes obsessive towards himself and towards others and eliminates the possibility of delegating functions.

4. Create distrust in collaboration or teamwork.

5. Generally, a perfectionist does not admit failures or mistakes, always looking for the best and for this he is able to pass over rest activities, leisure and family relationships.

6. A person whose perfectionism borders on rigidity seems to want to move with the sense of possession of reality and the world around him without understanding human limitations.

7. They are very insecure people in the background, who only remain calm when everything is "tied and well tied" and are not able to leave anything to the normal flow of life.

A recent article published in The New York Times He pointed out that some researchers divide perfectionists into three types: self-oriented fighters, who fight to meet their high demands and seem always to be on the verge of depression; the fanatics, who only hope to see in the other traces of that perfection they want for them and end up ruining personal relationships; finally, those desperate to fulfill an ideal, whatever it is, and are convinced that is what they expect from them. "

If we do not know how to control it, perfectionism can invade our whole life like a poison ivy, sneaking in every corner, flooding everything with anxiety and frustration.

Video Medicine: Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists Trailer (HD) Pretty Little Liars Spinoff (April 2024).