Measles occurs more in spring and winter

Measles is a disease contagious infection , which spreads through the respiratory tract; by droplets of saliva, when coughing or sneezing. The disease begins with fever lack of appetite in the child, abdominal pain , nasal discharge and sometimes cough.

In an interview with Dr.Paulina Saldaña Hernández , pediatrician, medical supervisor in normative area, responsible for the transient adverse effects to vaccination of the National Center for the Health of Children and Adolescents. He explained to GetQoralHealth the measles disease.

At the beginning of the disease red spots on the palate and at the same time white spots appear in the mouth or cheeks. Later, fever appears.

The main characteristic is the appearance of injuries of violet red on skin on the face, behind the pavilions of the ear, on the wings of the nose and around the mouth. After the injuries, they go down to neck , chest and finally to the extremities. Without affecting the palms of the feet and hands

The most frequent age of measles is in children from 1 to 4 years old, accentuating spring and winter , with the possibility of children who never have the disease.


What vaccine protects against measles?

Measles vaccine - rubella or triple viral , and it is found in the national vaccination scheme. It is applied at one year of age and reinforced at 6 years of age by an injection in the arm.

The minors who can not receive the vaccine are those that present fever, that are allergic to any component of the vaccine, that have any disease that compromises their immune system, that have hydrocephalus , or convulsive crisis No treatment.

If the child is already exposed to the virus, the vaccine can be given within the first 72 hours after being in contact with the virus. support the protection .

Some complications of a badly-managed measles are: conjunctivitis, otitis sinusitis, pneumonias, digestive complications; as gastroenteritis; febrile seizures, encephalitis and skin infections

At the time that the children present skin lesions characteristic of chickenpox, it is recommended not to take them to nurseries and schools.


Home care

  • Daily bath to avoid itching
  • Cut the nails well of minors to avoid skin infections when scratching
  • Bland diet , since sometimes the lesions also appear inside the mouth

When starting the desquamation of the lesions in the skin they can resume normal life.

Video Medicine: measles symptoms,health complications and How to prevent it (rubeola) (May 2024).