Make it safe!

Being a father or mother is not easy, since you must take care of many aspects of your child's life to be a happy, self-confident and healthy child. But, how to make your child safer?

To have a healthy and safe child you must pay attention to your diet, because having the necessary nutrients, not only will you have a positive physical and mental growth, you will also have excellent emotional health. Thus, GetQoralHealth presents you the Healthy Lunch Program in 15 days , so that you start to cultivate healthy habits from childhood.


Make it safe!

On the other hand, Richard Weissbourd, a Harvard psychologist and director of the Making Caring Common project , details that there are habits to make your child safer.

1. Show him / her how important the care of others is. The psychologist explains that children must learn to balance their needs with those of the rest of the world.

2. Express gratitude. Children, and people in general, who express this type of feeling, are more likely to be helpful, generous, compassionate, happy and healthy.

3. Control emotions . By teaching a correct handling of emotions, whether of happiness, sadness or anger, children will have the ability to see all experiences as learning and see everything in a positive way.

4. Exercise. A study conducted by the Norwegian Directorate of Health and Social Affairs He details that the practice of a physical activity in childhood strengthens self-esteem.

5. Play . When you share time with your child you transmit confidence, security, so keep your child company at some time of the day and enjoy their "thanks" and talks.

Do not forget to encourage good eating habits, so that your children are healthy and avoid the development of diseases such as obesity. Identify what kind of foods are viable for them with the Healthy Lunch Program in 15 days . And you, how do you increase the safety of your children?

Video Medicine: Make It Safe - Funny Moment [Minecraft Animation] (April 2024).