5 vital functions of water

Information from the Wright State University of Medicine in the United States, points out that the body of an adult contains 60% of Water , on average. Most of this liquid is contained within the cells that meet functions vital in you organism .


The total amount of Water is found mainly in cells (two thirds of the Water ), in the space between the cells and in the blood (one third of the Water ). For example, in a 70kg man there are approximately 42 liters, "says an article published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition .

All vital organs contain Water : brain , lungs , heart , liver Y kidneys they are composed of 65% to 85%, while the bones they contain less around 31%.


5 vital functions of Water

In an interview, Angelita Marín, member of the Mexican Association of Nutritionists , highlights the importance of being hydrated. We usually take care of what we eat and we usually forget what we drink despite drinking Water It has significant functions in the body.

1. Regulates body temperature. The Water It allows the body to release heat when the ambient temperature is cold. While when you feel warm, the Water it evaporates and sweat appears to cool the body.

2. It transports nutrients. This vital liquid participates in the decomposition biochemistry of foods that we eat and allows the nutrients (minerals, vitamins and glucose) reach the cells .

3. A large percentage of the blood is made up of water. Blood plasma is composed of 91.5% of Water . This comprises 55% of the blood volume.

4. Help eliminate toxins. Through the Water waste products are eliminated, including toxins that the cells of the organs reject. These are expelled through urine and feces.

5. It helps to lubricate the joints. This vital liquid is a lubricant effective for joints . It also acts as a buffer for the eyes brain spinal cord and even for the fetus through amniotic fluid.

In addition, the Water allows most of the body's chemical reactions to be carried out and is vital to carry out in processes natural as breathe , sweat , to pee or defecate . Hence the need to drink it naturally.


Angelita Marín He explains that it is not only about drinking liquids, but also about what kind of drinks are consumed. The consumption of Water simple should be the first option of hydration Y avoid the sugars added. "

The requirements of Water they depend on numerous individual factors such as age, physical activity, environment, climate, physiological state. The general recommendation is to drink one milliliter of Water by a calorie consumed, that is, a liter of Water by thousand calories .

Given the vital functions of Water in your body and considering that no one can live more than five days without drinking it, it is essential that you increase your intake to stay healthy. How many glasses do you have today?

Video Medicine: Water - Functions Of Water In The Body - Benefits Of Drinking Water (May 2024).