Family constellations vs. emotional wounds

I'm always surprised healing power that to a deep emotional level has to work in conjunction with the Rescue of the inner child and family Constellations.

When situations have been lived traumatic , when there are relationships in the Family nucleus basic very conflictive, when health problems or frequent accidents arise, when there is no success in finding the right partner and a history of failures has been dragging along for a long time, it is immensely helpful to be able to do this "double surgery of the soul".

The family constellations , therapeutic model developed by Bert Hellinger, focuses on the person as part of their family system of origin, where each member of the family, (alive or not) is energetically linked to the other members of their group. Hence, it is necessary to bring order to the unresolved issues with the lives of our ancestors.

You have to rearrange the Energy that has been distorted. Similarly, going to recover our ninternal in love, we can begin to apply very simple but at the same time profoundly powerful tools to really conquer our own self esteem , which will lead us to live with greater inner peace and fullness .

If you have situations of family that weigh you, believe me that a wonderful way to transmute this weight of pain and confusion that burdens is "to heal your childhood emotional wounds and work the most critical points of the family past, together with family constellations .

When a woman puts a stop to the mistreatment and violence of the couple, when she manages to cut with a harmful relationship of co-dependence; when you can set limits and be more assertive, with greater self esteem ; When she is an example for her children, and not an embarrassment or a burden, and when she recovers in love and respect for herself, it is a peak moment.

When a man forgives and / or asks for forgiveness, he grows in generosity, in empathy, in respect; when he finally loves and appreciates himself, being able to do the same with his surroundings, and living by getting the best out of himself, it is a triumph of Divine Love.

Heal your childhood emotional wounds and free yourself from emotional pains that keep you from being happy! To live this experience with me, I invite you this July 8 and 9 to the Family Constellations Workshop at the Be Better Being Center, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. For more information, call 36 19 72 94.

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Video Medicine: Resolve Ancestral Trauma for Inner Peace and Personal Fulfillment - Guided Meditation (April 2024).