Know the vitamins and their recommended doses

Although the multivitamins are very popular nowadays, should not be taken without knowing the recommended dose or the amount of nutrients adequate to be healthy. Here are some important facts that you should learn about vitamins.


  1. The vitamin C It is responsible for normal body growth and development. Foods rich in vitamin C are potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, cranberries, watermelon and other citrus fruits and juices. More than 2,000 mg. of vitamin C can cause diarrhea and upset stomach, but a minimal amount leads to anemia , bruises , bleeding Y scurvy . The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 75 to 90 mg / day for adults, 15 to 50 mg / day for infants and children and 65 mg / day for adolescents.
  2. The vitamin K is responsible for the blood coagulation . It can be found in some green vegetables such as spinach, cauliflower and in cereals. Insufficient vitamin K can cause easy bleeding Y bruises . The recommended daily consumption is 90 to 120 mg / day.
  3. The magnesium it is important for our metabolism . The products of soy , legumes, bananas and nuts are rich sources of magnesium. Excess magnesium can lead to toxicity while its deficiency causes fatigue Y drowsiness . The recommended daily consumption is 80 to 240 mg / day for infants and children; 360 to 410 mg / day for adolescents and 310 to 400 mg / day for adults.


More about iron and selenium


  1. The iron is necessary to create the hemoglobin which is found in our muscles and red blood cells. The best sources of iron are dried fruits, beef liver, oysters, whole grains and lean red meats. A low level of iron in the body can cause anemia, but the excess can cause iron poisoning . The recommended daily dose for infants and children is 0.27 to 11 mg / day; 8 to 11 mg / day for adolescents and 8 to 15 mg / day for adults.
  2. The selenium helps prevent certain types of Cancer . The common sources are fish, vegetables, enriched breads and meats. Your deficiency may originate abnormalities at heart muscle ; While high intake can cause toxicity it leads to nausea and fatigue. The recommended dose for infants and children of 15 to 40 mcg / day, while adolescents and adults can take in 40 to 55 mcg / day.

The best way to get our daily recommended dose is to eat a diet balanced, but this is not always possible. This dose depends not only on gender and age, but also on other factors such as diseases and pregnancy.

The vitamins The above are just some of those that help complement our body with the necessary nutrients, but we must also consult the doctor for their consumption, to improve our health and well-being.

Video Medicine: Vitamin D and Renal Disease - Mayo Clinic (May 2024).