Know the foods that will keep you slim!

If you are one of the people who eat breakfast, but feel hungry soon, it's time to try some foods to keep you satisfied for longer, you can even add them to your daily diet to take care of your weight and figure.

One of the problems that most people face is the excess consumption of caloric foods, however, when their intake is reduced and they are changed to those that are rich in nutrients, not only will they keep you thin but the Hunger will go away.


Know the foods that will keep you slim!

Several studies have suggested that foods rich in fiber and protein are ideal to reduce hunger, cravings and the need to eat every second. Know them!


  1. Cheese, fruits or vegetables If you combine a bit of low-fat cheese with a freshly cut fruit such as apples or grapes, you will receive the proteins and fiber necessary for your body and help your digestion to be a little slower, which will make you feel fuller longer. agreement with University of Illinois .
  2. Sandwich with meat and whole grain. Specialists of Mayo Clinic They detail that lean meat and whole grain or whole grain bread work as a rich breakfast that will leave you satisfied for a long time.
  3. Fish. It is a meat rich in proteins that helps you to satisfy your hunger. In addition, because it is rich in Omega 3 acids you will prevent the effects of aging and look healthier, according to specialists from the Mayo Clinic .
  4. Eggs Researchers of the University of Washington They point out that people who consume a high-protein diet consume fewer calories, so a good option to achieve it is this food considered the "perfect protein".
  5. Oats. It is the cereal with the highest amount of fiber. You can include it in your diet to accompany fruit, dairy products such as yogurt or milk, according to specialists from the American Dietetic Association .
  6. Beans. They have a high fiber content, so they are processed slowly and last longer in digestion, which provides a feeling of fullness for longer.
  7. Whole grain pasta An investigation of the University of Pennsylvania It suggests that people who eat soup are more successful in losing weight, because of the satiety it provides.

So if you want your body to feel satisfied longer, all you have to do is eat foods rich in protein and fiber; however, remember that a balanced diet will help you stay slim. Do not forget to divide your diet into five meals a day. And you, how do you stay satisfied?

Video Medicine: The Health Guru Who Eats 5,000 Calories in One Meal & Says He's Healthy (May 2024).