Kidney transplant vs renal failure

The kidneys they are very important organs, because they are in charge of cleaning the toxins and minerals that are found in the blood . When they are injured, they generate fluid retention and decrease the production of blood cells reds, what is called renal insufficiency .

One of the essential treatments to avoid poisoning of the blood is the kidney transplant , which generates wellness and it increases the quality of life of the patient, because the donated kidney can do the work that the two organs usually do together.

It is important that the doctor perform some tests to check the compatibility of the donated organ and the immune system of the patient.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Luis Angélica Ortiz , patient with kidney transplant , gives you some recommendations to prevent renal insufficiency :

According to the specialists, there are several triggers of the renal insufficiency acute and chronic like:

  1. Damage to urinary tract obstruction
  2. Allergic reaction to toxic substances or drugs
  3. Arterial hypertension
  4. Diabetes
  5. Autoimmune disorders
  6. Insufficient blood supply to the kidneys

Therefore, it is very important that you bring a diet balanced, perform exercise and, above all, you drink two liters of water a day, so that your kidneys work without problems.

Also, it is essential that people who are healthy are made several medical studies to prevent the presence of diseases that affect their quality of life.