Julio Alemán has lung cancer

The actor Julio Alemán suffers lung cancer (left), so you must undergo a treatment of chemotherapy . At 78, the actor says he has decided to face the disease diagnosed as another challenge presented by life, and is willing to fight to regain his health.

The artist commented that with the health problems that he currently has had to leave, against his will, the work "Perfume de Gardenias".

The specialists point out that the development of lung cancer could be because the actor started to smoke since his youth, as well as his performance as a cotton sorter.


Lung cancer

The lung cancer it consists of a deregulation of the cells, that is, they lose control of normal growth and do so in a disordered manner; If it is not diagnosed early, it can move to other organs of the body, according to the medical manager of Eli Lilly, Angélica Cruz .

The most common symptoms of lung cancer are:

  1. Chronic and bloody cough
  2. Shortness of breath, whistling when breathing or hoarseness
  3. Inflammation of the neck and face
  4. Loss of appetite or weight
  5. Constant pain in the chest
  6. Fatigue

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Angelica Cruz explains the studies that should be performed by the patient who was diagnosed with lung cancer .

The specialist points out that one of the most frequent causes of this disease is the smoking , as well as exposure to high levels of pollution, radiation and asbestos.

The treatment to combat lung cancer it consists in the extirpation of tumor as well as undergo chemotherapy Y radiotherapies .

Remember to acquire good habits during your life, to keep you healthy. Take a balanced diet, make exercise , hydrate yourself and avoid addictions.

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