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Do you know the benefits of using the internet? Older men and women who use the Internet are often more likely to have a lifestyle that includes many behaviors that prevent cancer, according to a new study.

Compared to people who do not use it, web buffs were more often tested for colon cancer and more likely to be physically active, eat a healthy diet and smoke less.

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The researchers also found that the more time seniors spent on the internet the more likely they were to participate in those healthy behaviors, according to the study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.


Improve your habits!

The findings were sustained even after researchers took into account people's socioeconomic status, physical abilities and mental function, he said. Christian von Wagner, author of the study and professor of behavioral research in the early diagnosis of cancer of the University College of London .

"The interesting aspect is that there is a relationship between dose and response between the use of the internet and the behaviors that prevent cancer," von Wagner said.

"Internet users were more likely to present cancer prevention behavior than [non-users], and constant users were more likely to have cancer prevention behavior than intermittent users."

Although the use of the internet did not affect women's decisions about breast cancer screening, those who used the internet regularly were twice as likely to have exploratory tests for colorectal cancer, the study found.

Internet users of both sexes were 50% more likely to exercise and 24% more likely to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day, according to the study. People who used the internet consistently were also 44% less likely to smoke.

The study also revealed that demographics have a lot to do with how much people use the internet. The use was more prevalent among younger, white people and they had more money and a higher educational level.

Men also used the internet more than women. Meanwhile, internet use was much less prevalent among the disabled and among those who were older, had less wealth and were not white.

Although the study showed an association between internet use and cancer prevention behaviors, it did not show a causal relationship. And you, how many times do you use internet per day?

Video Medicine: 3 Habits That Will Change Your Life (May 2024).