5 habits that cause a heart attack

Currently, cardiovascular diseases they are a problem public health that affects the Mexican population, this is due to different life habits that slowly damage the Health from the heart. It is worrying that young people die because of a myocardial infarction because of these bad habits. GetQoralHealth tells you what are the five most common habits that cause a myocardial infarction and what you should avoid.

1. Excessive fat intake: Have a diet rich in junk foods and fats considerably increases the cholesterol "Bad" (LDL) in the blood , which causes heart problems.

2. Consumption of alcohol and drugs: Drinking excess produces overweight , therefore there is a greater risk of suffering myocardial infarction . In the case of drug , there are chemicals that accelerate the natural rhythm of the heart, in such a way that it collapses; the risk increases when drug combine with alcohol or energy drinks . As explained by the doctor Joel Estrada in the following video:

3. Tobacco addiction: In smokers, the mortality produced by cardiovascular diseases it is approximately 70% higher than in non-smokers. The tobacco increases the risk of atherosclerosis and the number of deaths from coronary heart disease, in particular the myocardial infarction . This risk decreases from the first time you quit smoking.

4. Sedentary: Physical inactivity doubles the risk of coronary problems, produces obesity Y overweight . On the contrary, if you perform exercise At least 30 minutes a day, your Health It improves considerably in all aspects.

5. Stress: Living quickly not only harms the Health of the heart but also emotional health. Take some time to breathe, finally all problems have a solution.

In most cases, a myocardial infarction It can be prevented. If you have any of these habits, it is time to change them to have a better state of Health . Remember that small modifications make big changes. Beware!

Video Medicine: Mayo Clinic Minute: What is heart disease? (April 2024).