How to educate the children?

Do you know how to educate your children? With the mere fact of listening to the word discipline we imagine prizes and punishments that are used for the child to learn to behave, but it can be so taxing that it reduces their freedom or disappears.

The discipline must be based on respect, love and having clear limits, but most parents do not know how to put them without exaggerating or being too permissive.

Currently, with so much information on the internet and books, many parents lose the goal and do not know how to educate their children; however, there are books like "Discipline with Love", by Rosa Barocio, where it is clearly and consciously indicated how to perform this task more easily.

The author emphasizes that respect is of double meaning, that is, it goes from father to son and vice versa; where the father assumes his role of authority with responsibility, dignity and pride, and the child feels protected and safe, while taking into account his decisions.

The work of parents is to guide the steps of their children respecting their individuality until they mature and are ready to make their own decisions, with the values ​​and tools learned.

The ideal is to follow the three pillars of a conscious education, which are addressed in the book as:

  1. Train, encourage and trust.
  2. Open expectations and unconditional love
  3. Cultivation of self-esteem and discipline with love.

If parents learn to know each other in their daily lives, they will have come a long way to apply good discipline, but if they add the right knowledge they will be well on their way to educate emotionally healthy and committed children with their world. And you, how do you educate your children?

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Video Medicine: Prof. Susan Engel: "How We Should Educate Today's Children" (April 2024).