How to control anger

The anger it is a feeling that varies in intensity. It can range from mild irritation to fury and go to intense Therefore, it is important to know how to control anger .

The reason is simple. The anger , being part of an emotion, triggers certain psychological and biological changes in our body. According to the American Psychological Association When we are angry, our cardiac frequency Y blood pressure they rise, while the immune system It looks diminished.

In this regard, the psychologist Silvia Russek , gives you 5 techniques to learn to control anger and not allow this feeling to damage your physical, mental and / or spiritual health:

1. Accept the things you can not change. Either because they have no solution or because it does not depend on us. Remember that nobody has the power to change another person, if she (he) does not want to.

2.- Avoid being a link in the chain of aggression and anger. Often the anger not handled and not expressed properly, has certain consequences. Among them, retaliate with other people. To know how to control anger is necessary that you know it's unfair to download your go to with third parties.

Ideally, do not argue with anyone at that time. Breathe and keep your head "cold"; When we are angry, we are more hurtful and we can repent of our actions.

3.- Take a break. We can not leave the problems unresolved, nor the anger without managing, because they keep coming up again and again, creating new difficulties. That is why it is important to talk and clarify things with the person involved.

Avoid, during that time, having thoughts that maintain your courage. Do some activity that "forces" you to think about something else. Some options are: go for a walk, listen to your favorite music, enjoy a delicious dessert, etc.

4.- Develop your empathy. This means understanding the other person, "putting yourself in their shoes." When we can really do it, by knowing your needs, feelings and thoughts, we can understand the reason for your behavior, which does not mean "accept what you do", but it will help you change your perspective and eliminate the anger .

5.- Do not take it personally. Do not think that when someone gets angry with you it's because they want to hurt you. We can not guess the thought and therefore the intention of the people. Remember that not everything that happens is related to us, although sometimes it is what we think. If we continue to act like this, we will suffer unnecessarily.

Another technique that can help you get to know how to control anger is to have a diary, which can be used to know how often we get angry, identify the level of our courage, know the possible causes, discover what are the "triggers" of our anger and what to do to vent and learn to avoid it.

Video Medicine: 5 Keys to Controlling Anger (April 2024).