Drowning, the main cause of death due to hurricanes

Both the tropical storm called "Manuel "And the hurricane"Ingrid "They have left at least 42 dead during their passage through Mexico, so to reduce the number of victims is necessary for the population to report on the diseases caused by hurricanes and prevent its spread.

Weather phenomena such as hurricanes and floods not only cause havoc in communities, they also directly impact the health of the inhabitants by promoting the development of diseases.


Drowning, the main cause of death due to hurricanes

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), drowning is the main cause of death from flash floods and coastal floods, however, there are other risks that endanger the quality of life of those affected:


  1. Injuries during evacuation or cleaning activities caused by glasses, nails or electric shocks
  2. Gastrointestinal infections such as diarrhea, cholera, salmonellosis
  3. Typhoid fever
  4. Hepatitis A
  5. Malaria
  6. Conjunctivitis
  7. Scabies
  8. Dermatitis
  9. Acute respiratory infections
  10. Amibiasis

One way to prevent these diseases is to carry out epidemiological brigades, where medical attention is provided, to create a reserve of medicines, emergency kits and a vaccination program.

In addition, people affected by hurricanes should avoid drinking water that is not potable, raw food or that have been in contact with contaminated water, and avoid manipulating electrical installations.

Finally, the WHO details that clean-up activities after a natural disaster such as hurricanes are basic to maintaining long-term safety and health conditions. And you, have you ever suffered the consequences of a hurricane?

Video Medicine: Hurricane Katrina - New Orleans Storm Surge (April 2024).