5 breakfasts with less than 250 calories

The foods that we consume in the first hour of the day, after we get up, help us to have enough energy to carry out our activities; however, it is important to eat low calorie breakfasts to achieve a healthy weight.

According to the nutritionist Carmen Haro, of the Kellogg's Institute of Nutrition and Health , breakfast low in calories is a great step to start a healthy lifestyle, because it is the first opportunity for the body to consume healthy food.

Also, when we do not eat breakfast, our mood changes and it is normal to register fatigue, lack of concentration and bad mood. So that you do not miss any of this, check out our photo gallery and fill up on energy without gaining weight with these low-calorie breakfasts. And you, do you give yourself time to eat breakfast every day?

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Video Medicine: HEALTHY MEALS UNDER 200 CALORIES!! (April 2024).