How much beer to drink?

Investigations carried out in the University of Barcelona  (UB) They indicate that beer is a source of vitamins, iron, calcium and folic acid, necessary to maintain an optimal state of health.

Beer has the nutritional properties of the group of cereals, where you can find foods such as potatoes, rice and corn tortillas. According to a study of Official College of Physicians of Asturias (COMAST) , a moderate consumption of beer, (up to half a liter daily), associated with a balanced diet, does not imply risk of overweight or obesity.

How much beer to drink?

If you want to take care of your figure and enjoy beer, consider that the medical recommendation is two glasses a day for women and three glasses for men, without forgetting to eat balanced meals and exercise. In GetQoralHealth we present you a video to know the benefits behind this popular drink:


Take care of your health and figure!

According to Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture , the beers that provide the greatest health benefit are those that contain malt milk and hops.

This study also found that people who drank "standard" amounts of beer had a lower incidence of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as diabetes mellitus. Remember that the key is to avoid excess. Take care of your health and figure!

Video Medicine: This Is What happens When You Drink Beer Every Day! (April 2024).