How is the damage caused by drinking grapefruit juice?

Grapefruit is a key food in food plans focused on losing weight and maintaining a silhouette free of fats; however, a study from the Lawson Institute for Health Research in Canada reveals that there is some damage from taking grapefruit juice and medications at the same time.

Although grapefruit is rich in vitamin C and potassium, nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body, when combined with the intake of medicines can trigger a very dangerous overdose for people.

According to the study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal , grapefruit has a compound called furanocoumarin that prevents the intestine or liver from breaking down medications, so overdoses can be recorded.


How is the damage caused by drinking grapefruit juice?

Canadian scientists detail that when drinking the grapefruit juice the furanocoumarin, which destroys the enzyme (CYP3A4) responsible for breaking down the medication; this generates that a large amount of active substance of the drug escapes from the digestive system, incapable of being controlled by the body.

That is, patients taking grapefruit juice together with the drug have a three times higher level of the active substance, because it is as if they were taking five or 10 tablets with a glass of water.

The study specifies that among the damages caused by drinking grapefruit juice with medications are stomach hemorrhages, kidney and cardiovascular problems or sudden death.

Experts say there are other foods that prevent the proper absorption of medicines such as milk, bitter orange and lime.


Know medications that are incompatible with grapefruit

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in the United States, some of the medications that cause body damage when taken together with grapefruit juice are those prescribed to treat cancer, hypertension.

As well as drugs to reduce cholesterol levels (Zocor, Lipitor, Pravachol), suppress the immune system after a transplant or control anxiety levels.

The FDA points out that drinking grapefruit juice hours before or after taking the medication can be harmful to your health, so it is better to limit your consumption until medical treatment is completed. And you, with what liquid do you take your medications?

Video Medicine: Nutrition Advice : Health Benefits of Grapefruit (April 2024).