How is it obtained?

The advance of science has allowed medical processes to be streamlined and transformed to provide a better result and a quick recovery of patients, as is the case of regenerative medicine.

According to portal information , the Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF) is one of the latest techniques of regenerative medicine that is used to treat different types of injuries in a short time.

This process has many benefits, since these growth factors have the ability to eliminate bleeding in a vascular lesion and provide proteins to regenerate tissues.

The rheumatologist Karin Freitag points out that among the benefits of regenerative medicine, in particular of the Plasma Rich in Growth Factors are:

  1. Relieve fibrillar tears and muscle bruises
  2. Eliminate tendon injuries such as tendon degenerations and partial ruptures
  3. Reduce osteoarthritis
  4. Accelerate the recovery of eye injuries such as corneal ulcers, keratitis and atopic keratoconjunctivitis.
  5. Help in the recovery of the integration of implants, as well as favor the healing of soft tissues such as the gum and bone regeneration.
  6. Cure vascular ulcers
  7. Decrease expression lines by promoting the production of collagen

How is it obtained?

The plasma is obtained from the patient's blood. Growth factors are extracted from platelets, useful in the repair and regeneration of tissues, says researcher Eduarso Anitua, creator of this procedure.

The blood is collected in special tubes to undergo an eight-minute centrifugation process. With this, a fragmentation of the different compounds and blood cells (white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets) is obtained.

Then, the part richer in growth factors is separated and calcium chloride is added and injected into the lesion via the joint or muscle.

Experts point out that this type of regenerative medicine aims to accelerate the recovery of injuries, regenerate tissues and eliminate pain in a short time. And you, would you be willing to try the treatment?

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