Bulimia nervosa can be prevented and cured if you already have it

Eating disorders can be classified into three types: 1) anorexia nervosa, 2) bulimia nervosa and 3) obesity. The first two refers to the women that they are conscious and worry about their appearance, therefore, trying to maintain a very light weight they even reach the limit of malnutrition. The last one is a uncontrollable compulsion by eating what leads to a weight that is way above your ideal weight .

On the one hand, anorexia nervosa is a condition where the person suffering from it is in constant fear of gaining weight. On the other hand, who suffers bulimia nervosa has the tendency to consume large quantities of food in a short period of time, and later, by a sense of guilt , he purge themselves in order to avoid gain weight . Said purging can be done in any of the following methods: the most common is vomiting, but it also highlights the use of pills , such as laxatives, so that the ingested food is immediately expelled from the body. Bulimia nervosa generally affects the female population, which is the most aware and concerned about its appearance. Normally, girls who suffer from it, are teenagers or young women .

The Binge and its subsequent purges they are done in secret, this is because they feel uncomfortable and embarrassed for their attitude of eating so much and then throwing out everything they have ingested. Coupled with the purges, women with bulimia usually follow a strict diet and a regime of exhaustive exercise as a way to maintain their ideal weight . This type of person are harder to detect than those suffering from anorexia, since the former may have a normal weight or may be under weight or, even, overweight; while the second much more evident by the physical characteristics that presents the disease.

A young woman who lacks trust in the way she looks, she has a tendency to be dissatisfied with her body; what she tries to do is look for a solution to that dissatisfaction . Although, patients with bulimia, like to eat a large amount of food, have attacks of guilt later, as they feel that this will cause their weight to shoot up. This is the reason why we resort to purges after each meal and the fact that they run to the bathroom to vomit. Having bulimia may also be linked to Family history of health, it is actually not surprising to find a family in which eating disorders are common among members.

The appearance of bulimia nervosa can be to prevent And in case you are already suffering from it, it can be cured. Seeking medical care it must be your priority; health professionals are in a better position to evaluate your condition The doctor will be able to diagnose you properly so that you can be properly administered the medicines necessary and therapies . You will probably have to take supplements to replace in your body the vitamins Y minerals that were lost. The support for of your family is very important since you may need someone to talk to about how you feel, remember that they suffer with you of this eating disorder. The road to recovery will be difficult, as there may be relapses , but self-control and perseverance must play a key role in the battle against this disease.

Video Medicine: How an eating disorder develops: Madi O'Dell's story (May 2024).