Give him an oportunity

In recent times, more and more research has been done on the benefits of coconut oil , thanks in large part to the fame he has taken throughout the world.

In accordance with Tom Brenna , professor of nutrition sciences of the Cornell University's College of Human Ecology , the coconut oil It has some advantages over other types of saturated fats, as it is rich in tocotrienol (Vitamin E).


While the old coconut oil that was refined, deodorized and bleached causes rapid and unhealthy increases in cholesterol, there is no evidence that the same is true of the virgin version, available today, which in fact has promising properties. " it states.

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Give him an oportunity

Although the research is proceeding at a slow pace, we find interesting results of the benefits of the coconut oil that we want to share to give you the opportunity to include it in your diet .

1. Boost the good cholesterol. Walter C. Willett , doctor of the Harvard School of Public Health , indicates that this oil seems to be especially good to boost the cholesterol "Good" HDL , which makes its content less harmful saturated fat .

2. Give energy. Information published by the NYU Langone Medical Center indicates that most of the Saturated fats of the coconut oil They are of the medium chain variety, these are quickly used by the body to produce Energy.

3. Help to lose weight. Melina Jampolis , a medical specialist in nutrition, indicates that the triglycerides medium chain of this oil are rapidly metabolized by the liver , so they are less likely to be stored as body fat , what benefits the weightloss .

4. Vs hair damage. Using this oil helps to fight the damage suffered by being combed, this may be due to the relatively high affinity with the protein of the hair and its ability to penetrate deeply into the axis of each hair, indicates a study published by the Society of Cosmetic Chemists .

5. It is antimicrobial. When consumed by humans, the coconut oil alters the lipid membrane of the bacteria Y virus ; kills pathogens without harming the host or damaging intestinal bacteria that promote health, it is stated in an article in the American Society for Nutrition .

6. It helps you in the kitchen. Penny Kris-Etherton , researcher of cardiovascular nutrition of the Penn State University , says that the coconut oil is a better option than butter and Trans fat to fry the food.

It is important that you know that coconut oil contains Saturated fats , which in excess are harmful to the organism . For the same reason it is convenient that you do not abuse your consumption and that you consult with a specialist the amounts that you can consume depending on your body.