Giuliana Rancic will undergo a double mastectomy

In October 2011 it is announced that the presenter of AND! News and of The Fashion Police from the same channel E! Giuliana Rancic , have breast cancer . In this regard, it was reported that the driver underwent treatment to eliminate the affected tissue.

However, the result was not satisfactory, so Rancic recently announced, in the chain for which he works, that he will undergo a double mastectomy , with the purpose of eradicating Cancer what affects it Here part of the interview:

Rancic maintains that "what I most want is that the Cancer leave my life; I do not care if I have a bust or not; what I want is to live. "

Her husband, Bill Rancic , who accompanied her, said she will always have her full support; however, the presenter of E-newsShe pointed out that it will be very difficult not to have a bust, but that her husband does not care how she looks physically, only that the breast cancer .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Arlisa Lifshitz , expert in patients with Cancer , explains how this disease should be faced, and the importance of support from friends and family:

Remember that prevention is the key to being healthy. The important thing is to be aware of systematically practicing the check-ups, and in case of being sick, receive the appropriate treatment. Beware!

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Video Medicine: Giuliana Rancic's Fight Against Breast Cancer! (May 2024).