China exports immune bacteria to antibiotics

The per capita consumption of antibiotics in China it is 10 times higher than the average world and its indiscriminate intake, both in humans and in animals , endangers the health of the population of planet Earth, due to the spread of bacteria resistant to these medications.

Antibiotic resistant organisms can easily spread to other countries through flights and international trade, since China is one of the main exporting countries, in addition to reaching humans through the food chain favoring resistance to them.

The above was made known by the Internet page of the newspaper Publimetro which also details that in October 2010, a team of Chinese scientists discovered a resistant bacteria to practically any antibiotic, since, unlike Europe or other countries, China does not prohibit the use of antibiotics for livestock.

The publication mentions that European scientists have already warned of a threat to global health. The consequences not only affect human welfare, "the excessive use of antibiotics is now common, which has also led to a high mortality rate among livestock, due to the depression of their immune systems, "he told the Xinhua news agency, the deputy director of the animal research institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences , Qi Guanghai.

China produces 210 thousand tons of antibiotics per year. Half of the production goes to livestock, said Wu Zhen, deputy director of the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA), according to the state news agency Xinhua.