World Day of Birth Rights

The June 7th the celebration is celebrated World Day of Birth Rights . This celebration aims to raise awareness about the importance of birth and its essential part in the lifetime of every human being.

Birth is a moment that leaves a indelible mark , in the way of being and feeling of each individual. For the mother it becomes a key emotional experience and a unique experience, which must be respected in its essence, allowing each mother to choose under what circumstances and with the support of who will carry out the delivery .

The World Day of Birth Rights is also a reminder to respect the natural process of birth, to inform mothers of the different options that exist according to their preferences and to facilitate breastfeeding at the moment, and not to separate the mother from the baby as long as possible


Rights of birth

Decalogue of birth rights of the Birth Pro Rights Platform


  1. The baby has the right to recognition of their physical and emotional capacity , in his intrauterine and extrauterine life and, especially, during the transit between both
  2. The baby and his mother have the right to intimacy and respect before, during and after delivery
  3. The baby has the right to be attended personally for her mother , at least, during the first year. The mother has the right to enjoy intimate contact with her baby when she wishes
  4. The baby has the right to enjoy Breastfeeding on demand, at least, during the first year. To respect the "10 steps to a successful breastfeeding" during their hospital stay established by UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) and the WHO (World Health Organization) and recommended by the Spanish Pediatric Association.
  5. The baby and his mother have the right to stay together in the hours and days after birth. No exploration or hospital stay justifies the separation of both
  6. The premature baby has the right to be incubated with the Kangaroo mother method . No neonatal unit is healthier for the baby than the mother's skin.
  7. The baby and his mother have the right to be respect the moment, rhythm, environment and company in childbirth-birth and that it passes physiologically. A healthy baby and mother have the right not to be treated as sick
  8. The intrauterine baby has the right to have emotional well-being of his mother is not disturbed by an excess and abuse of controls during pregnancy
  9. Parents have an obligation to seek, and the right to receive all the information and be well advised , personally take all decisions related to the welfare of the baby
  10. The premature baby has the right to remain attached to the body of his mother until you acquire the weight and optimal health conditions. No neonatal unit is healthier for the baby than the mother's skin

Video Medicine: Get ready for World Children's Day ???? | UNICEF (April 2024).