7 conditions that are cured with exercise

The pace of current life has caused the majority of the population to be sedentary, which has triggered heart disease, diabetes and obesity. However, one of the keys to ending these problems is to make the most of the benefits of physical activity.

According to specialists from Mayo Clinic , when doing regular exercise the energy, the state of mind and life is increased, but what other benefits of physical activity can be used to improve health?


  1. Increase your sexual desire A study published in the Journal Of Sexual Medicine It suggests that in women who exercised for 20 minutes on a treadmill their levels of arousal increased. This is because physical activity stimulates the circulation and release of endorphins.
  2. Reduces back pain Wayne Westcott, scientist of the University of Quincy , in Massachusetts, details that when exercising the muscles that are around the spine, back pain is reduced between 30% and 80%.
  3. Goodbye anxiety. An investigation published in the magazine Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise He details that by practicing 30 minutes of moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise reduces levels of stress, depression and anxiety, due to increased oxygenation, serotonin and norepinephrine release.
  4. Diminishes sleepiness. People who comply with 150 minutes a week of exercise have a 65% lower risk of getting sleepy during the day, according to a study by the Oregon State University.
  5. Calm cravings In information published in The Huffington Post It is detailed that the exercise covers the needs of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that favors carbohydrate anxiety, which generates feelings of reward in the brain.
  6. Control hot flashes Exercise helps maintain a stable weight, which reduces the possibility of suffering this type of symptoms in women who are in menopause. Walking or running for 30 minutes decreases up to 74% hot flashes, according to a study published in the journal Menopause.
  7. Protect your cardiovascular health The doctor, Jonathan Meyers, researcher at the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health System in California , ensures that physical activity reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood and increases high density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol.

Other benefits of physical activity is to strengthen the immune system to prevent diseases such as the cold. A study of Appalachian State University, suggests that after five days of cardiovascular exercise the risk of getting the flu is reduced by up to 43%.

You do not have to be an athlete or a qualified athlete to enjoy good health, just enough to incorporate some minutes of physical activity in your life, either walking to work or going up and down the stairs. Cheer up is very easy and you will notice the results immediately!

Video Medicine: DIY- How to reverse Heart Disease NATURALLY (May 2024).