Flexibility that shapes your body

Beyond improving our state of health, the incorporation of physical activity into our daily routine aims to offer us the possibility of improving our appearance and the movements that make up our daily life: carrying shopping bags, playing with our nephews ... Examples of these exercises that improve flexibility are those of suspension like the TRX.

In accordance with Pablo Cervigni, from the Crossfit Megatlon center in Villa Crespo, The TRX progresses on the basis of flexibility, strength, joint mobility, power or balance of each person. With what is achieved to improve the position of each muscle of our body.


Flexibility that shapes your body

Through a TRX workout you can increase your flexibility but improve parts of your body difficult to tone with other exercises, such as the back and legs. Thus, GetQoralHealth presents you the following video with Carlos Velázquez, high intensity training coach of Sport City . Chek out!


Why improve your flexibility

Your appearance is important, but flexibility is what moves your life. Here we give you some reasons to strengthen it through TRX exercises.

1. Considerable increase in the course of the joints. Certain sports gestures require a specific range of motion, so flexibility will help you improve.

2. Delay of joint wear. Good flexibility will help delay the appearance of bone-muscle diseases that appear with age.

3. Prevention of injuries. The elongation of the muscles increases considerably, which leads us to withstand greater training loads and to maintain the intensity as long as necessary without suffering injuries.

These exercises allow you to acquire greater flexibility through the natural movements of your body. Try them!

Video Medicine: 15 Yoga Poses That'll Change Your Body In Less Than a Month (May 2024).