Female brain protectors

Several studies have corroborated the fact that the female brain has its differences compared to that of men, its own characteristics, risks and potentials; however, it is also more susceptible to certain conditions and / or disorders that may affect their abilities.

The female and male brain process stimuli differently, to perform and meet the same objectives using different circuits, in the case of women, hormones are determinants for the creation and functioning of their different connections, according to scientists from the Medical School of the University of Harvard.


Female brain protectors

However, with the passage of the reproductive stages of women, and their respective hormonal conditions, they may have some cognitive impairment and failures in neuronal connections, which detonate various degenerative diseases affecting their quality of life. In that sense, there are also ways to protect the female brain.

1. Male DNA According to a study of Cancer Research Center, In the United States, two out of three women have this type of genetic material in several brain areas, which could protect them against Alzheimer disease Y rheumatoid arthritis . This process is performed during fetal development during pregnancy, which is called fetomaternal microchimerism.

2. Hormone replacement therapy. According to the investigation of the nEurocientífica Janet Sheperd, published in the Journal of American Pharmaceutical Association , indicates that the potential use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), with the use of estrogen, would reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and improve the symptoms of Parkinson , in addition to protecting neurons from oxidative, ischemic and anti-inflammatory damage.

3. Exercise. A study of University of Washington School of Medicine reveals that performing frequently 30 to 60 minutes of moderate to intense aerobic exercise can reduce cognitive deterioration according to age, and improve attention, concentration, organization, planning and multiple tasks in women over 40 years of age.

In addition to the above, researchers from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden , observed that taking a small dose of aspirin a day could moderate the deterioration of the female brain in old age and at risk of suffering a heart attack, which, even, could begin to be prevented from before menopause.