Fatty liver detonates anxiety

Accumulate grease in the abdomen without eating large amounts of food, as well as feeling tired, heaviness and anxiety are symptoms of fatty liver , because people with this problem have a fat brain.

People with fatty liver frequently suffer from resistance to insulin and records an accumulation of grease abdominal; however, there are other symptoms that may go unnoticed, such as the following:

  1. Anxiety evening
  2. Fibromyalgia
  3. Uric acid , triglycerides Y cholesterol high
  4. Grease abdominal
  5. Warts on the neck and armpits
  6. Fall of the hair Y acne
  7. Snoring

In addition, it is normal for people with fatty liver get up without appetite, but in the afternoon they suffer attacks of anxiety .


Control it!

No disease has results as immediate as the fatty liver . A medicine called metformin is usually used, but it does not replace a healthy lifestyle.

The most advisable thing is to avoid contraceptive pills, postinor, sibutramine, xenical, Chinese pills, fruit, plant, carnitine and glucosamine. Even, the vitamin E is totally useless to improve the fatty liver .

If you have any of these symptoms, visit your doctor to give you a diagnosis and correct treatment to help you control fatty liver, as well as improve your quality of life. And you, what do you do to prevent the accumulation of fat in the abdomen?

Video Medicine: Belly Swelling & Bloating as the Day Progresses? (April 2024).