
When we start a engagement , the stage of falling in love is full of emotions such as physical attraction, chemistry, butterflies in the stomach and fights that you can not miss. When one Fall in love , loses concentration, idealizes, thinks all day of being loved and is afraid of rejection; already when these fears and situations have been overcome Whats Next?

Depending on the age we are in, we receive social pressure by our family and friends with the classic question And do not you think about getting married? The yes is the long-awaited answer that they want to hear but, if you are doubting it, we present you 5 reasons why getting married makes you happier z.



1. You live longer. A study published in the British Medical Journal reveals that married couples have a mortality rate between 0 and 15% lower than that of the rest of the population, even though the marriage has its complicated stages and emotional crisis.

2. Best standard of living . The researchers John and David Gallacher of the University of Cardiff in Wales, mentions that marriage improves the standard of living of the couple, because by forming a union, a supportive and compassionate support system is created with the couple.

3. Decrease depression. Married people are less likely to suffer depression . The doctor Youmasu J. Siewe of the Center for the Practice of Rural Health in the University of Pittsburgh in Bradford, it ensures that married people feel better about themselves and are more optimistic.

4. Lower risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Married women, mentions the Department of Health and Human Services United States , have lower risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

5. You have more sex. Contrary to the belief that marriage makes your sex life boring, Linda J. Waite of the University of Chicago precise that married people They have more sex than single people or who live together.

If you decide to get married, do not do it with the idea that you can change the defects of your partner, begin by accepting them, be flexible if at some point you can not agree and enjoy life as a couple that you will experience after giving your yes .