Exercises vs chronic diseases

Some people stop doing exercises because they believe that they are no longer in physicals conditions to make them, and abandon the efforts to be fit. Which is accentuated if they are diagnosed with any chronic disease , as diabetes , Heart problems , osteoporosis , And till Cancer .

However, a routine of physical activity It is very helpful not only to maintain a blood pressure normal and stable, but for the correct function of all systems. It is only necessary to have certain cares when practicing exercises .

While a routine of exercises It usually includes several types (for example, aerobics and of resistance ), some may be more appropriate than others according to each case. That is why it is always important to be advised by specialists, who advise on the care you have and if you should avoid any particular movement or effort.

The aerobic exercises , on the other hand, have proven to be good for heart disease , level high cholesterol , the diabetes , the high pressure , the apoplexy , the Cancer and the Lung diseases , although in some cases, for example, they can recommend walk instead of run , so as not to agitate you so much.

There are two types of aerobic exercises: some require the support of body weight and they make the muscles work against the force of gravity, such as jogging, walking or dancing, and others do not use the support of body weight and the force of gravity does not play an important role; such is the case of walking in bike , swim or row .

In addition, there are anaerobic exercises , among which are included stretching , the yoga and the resistance exercises with weights , which seek to strengthen muscles . This is important, for example, when you have osteoporosis , since the muscles strengthened can help the bones weakened by the disease to sustain the body weight .

In cases of osteoporosis , it is advisable to complement the resistance exercises with the aerobics with support from body weight .

When the resistance exercises are combined with aerobics without support from body weight , however, they become a good alternative to combat the symptoms of arthritis . Also, water activities are ideal in these cases

These combinations are also effective in other cases. So, for example, do the resistance exercises combined with aerobics , of any kind, is good to combat diabetes , the Cancer and the apoplexy . In this last case, it is also important to include in the routine the stretching exercises .

Remember that before starting a routine exercises do not forget to consult a doctor. And if you have not done a long time exercise , it is essential to start little by little, not to demand more from your body than you can give.

The important thing is to maintain consistency. If you do it, you will see that with time you will begin to notice the good results.

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