Blueberry Latin American blueberry has 4 times more antioxidants

There is a variety of foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, that contain high levels of antioxidants . It is known that cranberries They are rich in these. Among the blueberries, the blue , is the most extraordinary at the level of these compounds and their potential benefit for health.

The antioxidants are compounds capable of preventing oxidation , a chemical reaction that can damage or kill the cells ; these play an important role in the prevention of pathologies cardiovascular , in many types of cancer, in AIDS and even others associated with the aging process, such as cataracts or nervous system disorders.

Until now it was thought that blueberries that are sold in the US market were the most nutritious, but two new South American species have been discovered that contain two to four times as many antioxidants than the blueberries of North America. It's about the species Cavendishia grandifolia Y Anthopterus wardii (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ).

These superfruits have the highest amounts of all fruits and vegetables; In addition, local people say they serve to treat certain diseases, such as to lower blood pressure.

Currently the blueberries latin american They are not available in the market, but as the research points out, it is possible to turn them into a popular food or even a nutritional supplement to prevent disease.

Video Medicine: This super blueberry that keeps you looking younger! (May 2024).