5 ways to exercise with your dog

The dog is the best friend of man, coupled with it, specialists suggest that having a pet at home has great benefits, among them is that his simple presence helps to take care of the Health ; help to lower the blood pressure and it decreases the symptoms of anxiety Y depression . In addition, they mention that people who exercise with their dog improve their self esteem and quality of life.

GetQoralHealth presents you five fun ways to exercise with your pet:

1. Free style of dance: the ballroom dancing is a exercise important, where the weightloss it is considerable; If your partner is your puppy, you elevate the calorie burning , improvements resistance , force Y flexibility .

Here we present the following video:

2. Hike: walking daily at a brisk pace strengthens your immune system , reduces the cardiovascular stress and controls the weight . Use the tireless energy of your dog and its need to go outdoors to motivate you to do this activity every morning.

3. Agility training: is a sport organized and competitive in which dogs are judged by the speed and agility they show when performing obstacle tests, is also a good exercise for the coach, since he has to run next to the dog to give him orders or congratulate him for a job well done. With this practice the dog improves its force Y coordination while you achieve an excellent training cardiovascular .

4. Doga: the Yoga for dogs is a practice of Hatha Which incorporates massage , stretching Y relaxation . A doga class helps eliminate the stress and creates an emotional connection between the pet and its owner.

5. Skijor: The original idea is that the dog pull forward, while its owner uses skis, however, you can make a variation using skates, skateboards, etc., for people living in the city. East exercise improve your Balance and the resistance of your dog.

Choose the activity that best suits your needs and make your pet the best companion to exercise.

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Video Medicine: Getting Your Dog's Energy Out! (Top 5 Exercises!) (May 2024).