5 tips to beautify your skin

The skin protects us from the invasion of foreign substances and serves as a transfer point to eliminate toxins of our body, therefore, deserves to be protected and taken care of. To achieve this, here we give you five tips to show off a beautiful dermis and body.

1.- Remove the hair of the face: Removing hair from the face prevents the formation of spots on the forehead, development of acne or any other skin disorder.

2.- Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun: Exaggerated exposure to ultraviolet rays (very common among young women) causes burns that leave scars irreparable

If possible, use a wide-brimmed hat while in the garden to keep your face protected and use a sunscreen.

3.- Make exercise : Physical activity keeps your body in shape, regulates the oxygen and improves the brightness of the skin .

4. - Rest: When a person is stressed, the adrenal androgens (male hormones) are released and generate a double amount of testosterone, which causes the accumulation of fat on the face, while other areas of the body are kept dry by the Dehydration

Therefore, rest correctly, that is, sleep 6 to 8 hours a day and without interruptions, is the best way to rejuvenate the skin and relax the body.

5.- Use of masks: There are many domestic remedies that help you take care of skin and maintain a beautiful body. You can try egg white and honey, which is highly recommended to soften the dermis and reduce wrinkles.

Remember that to maintain a healthy and youthful body it is necessary to feed it properly and have an excellent hygiene .

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