Alcoholism due to stress and immaturity

The alcoholism It has been installed as the most affordable vice for teenagers looking for escape and fun above anything. The figures of the Social Research Foundation (FISAC) turn on the emergency lights: in Mexico there are more than 3.5 million young people at risk of falling into the alcoholism . In addition, 24% of drinkers between 18 and 29 years old admit they do not have the capacity to control alcohol.

It is a chronic and progressive disease that is derived from the exaggerated consumption of alcohol, which causes physical problems , mental , labor , relatives Y economic , so it is considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a public health problem.


Irreversible damage

The alcoholism may originate, according to experts, by various factors, such asimmaturity inability to relate, stress Y social pressure . Perhaps many young people do not perceive the serious damage caused by drinking, until they are irreversible. The alcoholism , in addition to modifying the behavior of the patient has devastating effects on their health.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the psychologist of FISAC, Jessica Paredes Durán, It explains what should be done in case of alcoholic congestion:

Experts say that some drinkers do not recognize their problem and reject professional help, so first we must recognize being alcoholics to fight against it. Although some people recover without help, they usually need support to rebuild their lives, because although it is a disease Aged, there is no cure.



The doctor Daniel Villagómez , Angeles Hospital, ensures that in addition to the psychological help and support offered by groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous , victims should seek medical attention, especially if there are physical problems due to drinking. The sooner you get it, the chances of recovery are greater.

Is disease It is not only mental, but also physical. During the detoxification , the body keeps asking alcohol and it is difficult to fight against that, so many fall back into vice.

The specialist recommends to be careful with alcohol, for what the prevention it is the best weapon; In addition, parents should be alert, because after the alcohol follow the drug

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