7 asanas that will free you from stress

Do you feel tired and with tension nervous? Some postures of yoga against stress can be very useful for you to increase your well-being and enjoy every moment of your life without pressure.

According to specialists from Mayo Clinic , yoga is a mind-body practice that combines stretching, breathing and relaxation exercises to reduce the stress , level the blood pressure and improve the cardiac system.


7 asanas that will free you from stress

Even though that him yoga It has many styles and intensities, there are postures that only release you from tension, while you tone your body and clear your mind.

According to information published in The Huffington Post, with the following sequence of asanas, you will relax, consent and restore your body , to resume with energy every day. Know them!

1. Child's posture It is a resting asana that helps calm the mind, relieve stress and anxiety.

2. Bridge or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. It helps you stretch your back and legs while reducing stress and nervous tension.

3. Bent forward or Uttanasana. It promotes the stretching of tendons in the thighs, hips, so it reduces stress, anxiety, fatigue and mild depression.

4. Pose of Eagle or Garudasana. It helps to prevent stress, improves concentration, balance by releasing tension in shoulders, legs and back.

5. Extended triangle pose or Utthita Trikonasana. It is an excellent stress reliever by promoting the stretching of the entire body. In addition, it improves digestion and reduces symptoms of anxiety and osteoporosis.

6. Puppy pose or Uttana Shishosana. It helps to counteract the stressed posture, that is, the stooped shoulders.

7. Corpse or Savasana. This is useful to end the yoga session, since it relaxes the body completely, decreases blood pressure and calms the nervous system.

Remember that before starting any session of exercises , you must stretch and warm up to avoid injuries. Avoid making sudden movements, and if you are new, go with a specialist to supervise your movements. And you, how do you reduce stress?