Exercise only 5 days a week

While doing exercise It is suitable for oxygenate all arteries of our body, keep fit and young, it is also true that everything in excess is bad, therefore, physical training instructors recommend that people who train rest two days a week, or at least one.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth with Karin Hernández , coach of classes in Sport City , says: "Not all the time is to do exercise to be healthy. You should rest at least 1 day a week, but the ideal is two; also you have to rest, so that the organs of your body are regenerated and the next time you exercise, they are in optimal conditions. "

However, says Hernández, many people think that the break it is not useful to keep losing grease and be in shape, but they are wrong, because sleeping is one of the main muscle relaxers and still resting is still burning fat and calories :

"We must not have our muscles in constant tension. This is what occurs when we train tirelessly thinking that in this way we will lose more fat and size, but this is not the case. We need a balance in everything we do, so that routines and sports activities give desired result. "

The reality, according to Hernandez, is that people who perform 7 days a week exercise, end up wearing down their muscles and stagnate in their routines without getting develop more musculature Y force .

Therefore, it is essential to keep break between the workouts. Do not work more than twice a week each muscle group and keep at least one day of break in the week. This, coupled with comfortable sleep, will guarantee success in your physical training .

Video Medicine: Workouts for Women : How to Lose Belly Fat with Exercises (May 2024).