Deadly relationship ...

In Mexico, alcohol consumption is the fourth cause of mortality (8.45%), which implies intentional or non-intentional injuries, car accidents and liver cirrhosis, according to the National Survey of Health and Nutrition (ENSANUT). However, a study indicates that alcohol may also be related to the development of eating disorders.

The Ministry of Public Health Federal (Ssa), through his "Eating disorders guide" , points out that these occur when a person does not eat the right amount of calories in relation to their age, height and need; This is due to a set of risky behaviors that alter the way people eat.

In the country there are no exact figures, but Angélica Pérez, president of the Civil association for the treatment of these disorders, he mentions that obesity, anorexia and bulimia are among the most frequent.


Deadly relationship ...

An investigation carried out by the Medical School of the University of Washington in San Luis, United States, and published by the magazine Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs , revealed that people suffering from an alcohol addiction may be genetically more susceptible to certain types of eating disorders, and vice versa.

For Melissa A. Munn-Chernoff, The main author of the research, this relationship is not exclusive to the female sex, as previous research highlights. To demonstrate this, the study included the participation of six thousand adult twins of both sexes.

The results showed that a large part of those suffering from alcoholism also suffered from eating disorders such as uncontrolled intake (binge eating). In total, almost 25% of men and 6% of women had been dependent on alcohol at some time, in addition to that almost 11% of these same men and 13% of women had experienced problems with binge eating of food.

The expert points out that it is necessary that treatments include counseling for both problems, which in some cases are closely linked.

Remember, before starting a diet go to an expert, and carefully observe how many times you consume alcohol per week and how is your way of eating when you drink.

Video Medicine: Deadly Relationships examining the Le Sean McCoy case (May 2024).