60% of Mexicans snore

Sleep with someone that during the night snore It is extremely unpleasant and can become a cause of divorce . But few are the ones who know what are the true causes that cause that annoying and irritable noise.

The snore is produced by an obstruction to self air circulation through the passages behind the mouth and nose.

When the passage where the tongue and the upper throat meet, the veil of the palate and the uvula, they hit each other, vibrate when breathing and produce a noise called snoring.

The specialists of the Mexican Federation of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (FESORMEX) explain what are the reasons that cause the snoring :

1. The inflammation excessive tissue of the throat . 2. Children with adenoids Y tonsils large, usually roncan . 3. People with overweight they also have an increase in the volume of neck tissues . 4. The cysts or tumors can produce inflammation , but it is less frequent to snore. 5. Long Paladar Veil. A long palate narrows the entrance of the nose to the throat and acts as a noisy valve during relaxed breathing that occurs when sleep . 6. Nasal obstruction : A stuffy or badly ventilated nose requires extra effort for air to circulate. This produces an exaggerated vacuum in the throat and unites the tissues that compose it, producing the snoring .

On the other hand, specialists comment that there are other factors that contribute to people snoring ; how to ingest alcohol , take pills for sleep or antihistamines at bedtime, nasal congestion from colds or allergies and in the last month of pregnancy .

Statistics show that 60% of Mexicans between 30 and 60 years old snore and that it is men who snore more than women. For every two men who snore a woman suffers this situation.

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