Evaluate yourself

Today is to wear a body extremely thin and to obtain it there are those who resort to any type of diets without considering that they can put, not only their health at risk but also life.

The diet It must be done in a conscious way to avoid suffering from eating disorders but above all you should avoid doing it by following a fashion, since these diets are not generally endorsed by specialists.


Evaluate yourself

To know how you feel about your weight, the ideal is to evaluate your behavior. Be as honest as you can and answer:

1. Every time you notice that you have gained some weight, what do you do to get back on track?
a) You go to the doctor to recommend a diet according to your nutritional needs and complete with physical activity.
b) You begin to limit yourself to the consumption of foods that you think are responsible for your problem.
c) You take extreme measures and if you have to drink only water, you do it without measuring consequences.

2. If you took the count of how many diets you make throughout the year, what would your number be?
a) One to two.
b) Up to four.
c) All that are necessary.

3. When you have to make reference to your own body, how do you define it?
a) It's great, I have to thank him for everything he does for me.
b) It is not exactly what I would like, but defends itself.
c) I am a cow and it is urgent that I lose weight, -although you have less kilos than you should-.

4. For you, how important is food in your life?
a) It is basic, since it depends on physical, mental health and that in the best case, it reaches maturity in perfect conditions.
b) It is a cause of suffering: everything that I like, makes me fat.
c) It is not so essential and the less you can eat, the better.

5. Which of the following options do you think should apply when it comes to taking care of your weight?
a) The main thing is to be healthy and seek to have the best body from my own nature.
b) You have to look fit, even for the holidays and summer; the rest of the year, I can eat as much as I want.
c) No sacrifice matters, I am willing to do whatever is necessary to have the body I desire.



Majority of A.

You have found a right balance: look good but without implying putting your health at risk, this means that you have full awareness that to look great requires a complete, balanced and sufficient diet. For you it is easy to enjoy an adequate weight because you really tend to take care of your overall health including physical activity, medical checkups and without it being an obsession to have a figure governed by the stereotypes that are imposed. Good for you!

Most of B.

Have you reflected that your well-being is a question that you consider temporary? If you do not have a reason literally, weight does not worry about taking care of you and the rest of the time you can even fall into excesses at the time of eating. Keep in mind that being a healthy person is the most important thing, so you should avoid those frequent weight loss and gains, which will only leave you metabolic imbalances. The advice is that you go to receive support from a nutritionist and you commit to follow their instructions. It's in your favor.

Majority of C.

Your case is worrying. You can not expose your integrity in search of achieving a physique that has been imposed on you and that instead of adding to you feeling good, it does the opposite, because no matter how much you lose weight, you will always have the worry that it will never be enough. It's time for you to start to love yourself, value yourself and take care of yourself, a good start is that you focus your attention on getting medical and psychological attention to accept you as you are. You really owe it?

Video Medicine: Basketball Motivation- Evaluate Yourself (April 2024).