Enjoy until the last minute of your day

End the day with the feeling of having taken advantage of until the last minute not only gives you satisfaction and improves your attitude, but also motivates you to set higher goals and new objectives; therefore it is important that you also do positive things minutes before you sleep.

Therefore, at GetQoralHealth we suggest some things you can do before you go to sleep so that the next day you have the best attitude in the world and manage to channel your efforts, every day, towards a better quality of life:

1. Positive thoughts. What we choose to do or think, in those last moments, at the end of the day, is what we are going to put to work throughout the night, so go to sleep after an argument, to watch the news or a horror movie, It is not a very good idea. Nothing better than to relax and have positive thoughts to sleep pleasantly.

2. Meditate. To be able to sleep well is important to be relaxed and calm, many times our mind does not rest due to thoughts and ideas that make us feel tense and nervous. Meditating or praying allows us to quiet our mind, reunify ourselves and be at peace with ourselves.

3. Thank your present. We review our day, we think of debts, in the tasks and occupations of the next day and we forget to enjoy the moment and be really present in the present. Thankful to be able to rest and forget all the functions and concerns of daily life, it is our time to relax and dream big.

4. Greet a friend. Surely you have friends with whom you do not talk for a while, so give yourself a few minutes to send an email, a message on Facebook, call or by any means contacting it, which will not only make you feel good, but will strengthen your relationships and You will feel more close to the people.

5. Take care of your skin. Every day apply a night cream, remember that your skin regenerates much faster when you sleep, and it is at that moment that you must take advantage so that it looks better. The next day you will feel like new and you will have greater vitality.

A few seconds before going to sleep, try to visualize something very positive or the fulfillment of some achievement or goal, or some of your most pleasant experiences. Concentrate on that thought and let your mind fly, in a few minutes you will be sleeping peacefully, you will have a great rest and you will wake up reunited, serene and with the best energy to live a new day.