Dyslexia triggers emotional disturbances

When a boy with dyslexia access the primary education , they find that their rhythm learning it does not resemble that of its peers and is unable to integrate written information in the same way as the others, which makes it valued negatively, to the detriment of its difficulty, by adults and peers.

This is where they begin to manifest the first signs of emotional discomfort , which many times is not detected in its proper measure by the environment and triggers, parallel to the evolution of the problem of learning , true emotional disorders .

The children who suffer dyslexia they are often labeled as immature, unmotivated or vague from the immediate environment, as well as unable and null by themselves.

Any punitive attitude, excess of normativity, seriousness, emotional distancing and / or punishment before the problems of learning by one or another environment, they determine the child's experience in the face of difficulty, and increase or decrease their self esteem .

According to information from the Center de Desenvolupament Infantil, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, the concepts and expressions that children commonly form themselves, after suffering dyslexia , they are usually:

1. "I used to think I was stupid" "me too" "and I ..." 2. "I thought others could and I could not" 3. "I had a very bad time depending on the teacher I had" 4. "I thought I would something happened because he could not write and read like the others "5." He thought he was inferior to the others "6." I do not know what's wrong with me! "7." I was sad and did not feel like doing anything "8." I thought I was stupid, useless and not good at all "

For this reason, the implication is very important family in relation to the dyslexia , both in reference to learnings as in emotional support. The role of containment and emotional support is essential to promote security and improve the selfconcept .

Personalized and caring educational attitudes based on the love , in the care and establishment of limits suitable, without overprotection or restriction, help them to better cope with their difficulty. Feeling supported by their parents in their problems, it makes them see that they are accepted and loved: "They always help me and do not punish me if I get a bad grade, because they value my effort ...".

The failure to find a compensating environment in the home It can trigger greater emotional imbalances. On the other hand, those who receive emotional support in relation to the dyslexia , for both parents , show more affective compensation than the others.

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Video Medicine: Psychological Disorders: Crash Course Psychology #28 (April 2024).