Does the diet only affect who performs it?

The reasons can be diverse, either for health or aesthetics. However, maintaining a balanced diet (which contains enough calories and nutrients for the optimal development of the body) can be a factor that interferes with your relationship.

It could be thought that the couple is the most appropriate person to offer support when losing weight, but ... According to a study conducted by the expert Marla Eisenbeg of the University of Minnesota , both men and women tend to react negatively to the well-intentioned suggestions of their sentimental partners; example, "remember how many calories that dessert has".


Does the diet only affect who performs it?

To make a diet with the objective of losing weight is not easy, but how this change of habit affects the couple.

An investigation carried out by the State University of North Carolina, 21 couples across the country and in which a member had lost weight over the course of two years, discovered that this dietary change had negative effects on sentimental relationships.

Some of the couples who lost weight said they were not happy with their partners because they felt that he or she was not being sufficiently supportive, and on the other hand, felt their power threatened or jealous because the partner was losing weight.

For Lynsey Romo , author of the study, weight loss is not an individual thing, if you do it while you are dating someone, it has an impact on the union.

Therefore, the expert suggests that it is essential that you make a support plan with your partner, that she knows your needs and desires with regard to their role in your weight loss.

Remember, no couple should interfere with your goal of losing weight. Your health is first do not forget it.