Meet Toronto!

A new year represents an option to renew, start new plans and why not? Relocate. In order to make an informed decision about where to live, factors such as education, health, economy and cultural wealth must be analyzed.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we present 7 reasons why Toronto can offer you a good option to improve your quality of life.


Meet Toronto!

1. Recreation. It is one of the cities with more theatrical activity. After New York and London.

2. Health. In accordance with Montreal News Toronto moved from place 47 to 28 of the best cities to live, thanks to advances in health.

3. Advances . In 2010 The Economist established the city of Toronto, as the fourth best city to live.

4. Culture Thanks to its high level of immigrants and commerce, the city has great wealth and cultural exchange.

5. Happiness According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD ) Canada ranks third among the happiest countries in the world.

6. Education. The OECD it also indicates that Canada has 27% of inhabitants with a university degree against 23% on average for the other countries evaluated.

7. Economy. The classification developed by the CIBC Bank reveals that Toronto has the most dynamic economy in Canada.

Remember to establish your priorities and know better where you plan to live, you can find opinions in some residents or make a virtual visit. Success!