Cancer could be fought with viruses

The Cancer It is the first cause of mortality in the world, so a treatment is urgently needed to eradicate it at the root and avoid around 7.6 million deaths annually. Among the medical advances is the finding of a virus capable of attacking Carcinogenic cells .

This is about the modification of the bacterium of the bovine smallpox and it's called JX-594. When injected into the blood of people suffering from the disease, directly attacks the tumors without damaging the tissue healthy, according to research published in the journal Nature .

The experiment consisted in injecting virus to 23 patients with metastasis in various organs. Of 8 individuals who received a greater dose , 7 experienced a multiplication of this in tumors, causing their eradication, noted John Bell , head of the research and faculty member of the University of Ottawa .

The infection provoked prevented the nodules they will grow for a time in six patients. The advantage of this process is that intravenous injection directly affects the Cancer which is found throughout the body, which saves time and quality of life.

Experts believe that this discovery can change the therapy s that are practiced to combat disease . However, the effort to improve it is maintained.


Know the bovine smallpox virus

It is considered a disease enzootic which is maintained by trivial infections. In some cases, they can occur in humans, without contact with bovines.

This virus causes a disease of the skin that manifests itself in the form of blisters red and that is transmitted by contact of infected animals. It is related to the Vaccinia virus; so it is used for the creation of the vaccine against smallpox .

Video Medicine: Skin Cancer Selfie Goes Viral (May 2024).