5 risks for lack of sleep

Sleep is a fundamental part of life because it is part of numerous physiological and psychological functions in our body, such as tissue repair, growth, consolidation of the memory and learning , so the lack of sleep not only interferes with them.

According to the doctor Jesús Escribá, expert in sleep disorders at the Casa de la Salud Hospital, in Valencia , the human body can withstand thirst and hunger more than lack of sleep, which conditions the individual the rest of his life.

Not all require the same hours of sleep, however it has been proven that sleep less than 5 hours, several consecutive nights, has various negative effects for the mind and body, in addition to those already known associated with the diabetes , obesity, cardiovascular diseases Y chronic fatigue :

1. Colds . According to a study published by L.A. Times, sleeping less than 7 hours each night raises three times more the risk of catching cold, compared to those who slept about 8 hours.

2. Functional dyspepsia : Pain in the upper part of the abdomen, as well as gastrointestinal disorders , can be a symptom derived from lack of sleep.

3. Melancholy and negativity. According to an investigation of the University of California, Berkeley and Harvard Medical School , directed by Matthew Walker , the lack of sleep causes the brain reactivates 60% in the face of negative and disturbing images.

4. Breast cancer . The lack of rest makes the chances that the Cancer come back in postmenopausal women, according to an investigation of the Western Reserve University (USES).

5. Hyperhidrosis at night . Lack of sleep can bring a mismatch in body temperature, so it can occur excessive sweating at night caused by incorrect operation of the sweat glands , explains the dermatologist Nina Roos for elpais.com

Among the main causes of sleep loss are excessive worry or stress , bad habits of life, sleep apnea, sleep disorders and the depression , among other.

Therefore, according to the National Sleep Foundation (USA), if you want to have a good quality of sleep, it is important to change current lifestyle, have a better diet, exercise and go to a specialized clinic for further studies to determine the causes of lack of sleep.

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Video Medicine: Healthy Eating & Living : Side Effects of Lack of Sleep (April 2024).