Alopecia and feeding

The hair , like the skin and the nail , is in constant renovation and its metabolism Y regeneration They are very sensitive to nutritional deficits. The lost partial or total hair it is called alopecia .

Nutritional deficiencies can contribute to the alopecia , weakening its structure, causing breaks and a slow regeneration . The lack of iron or iron deficiency anemia can cause it

The hair It is also composed of other minerals: magnesium, silicon, selenium, copper , and to keep it healthy you have to guarantee the intake of these nutrients through the diet :

1. It is essential to maintain a good contribution of proteins of high biological quality: eggs, milk, cheese, fish.

2. Fats of vegetable origin (nuts and olive oil) that avoid having the hair dry and brittle. The linoleic acid (present sunflower and soybean oil) is essential to enjoy a hair bright and healthy

3. Foods rich in copper : protect the hair and it is found in nuts such as hazelnuts, nuts, legumes and soybeans.

4. Foods rich in silica such as brown rice and mango, will protect hair .

5. The pyridoxine it will help you protect your hair; It is present in avocado, wheat, oats and corn.

6. Foods rich in zinc : has properties anti-alopecia , among which are strawberries, celery, asparagus, figs, potatoes, bananas, aubergines and eggs.

7. The biotin has an important role in the health of the hair , skin Y nail . However, in some cases, the deficiency of biotin can cause loss of hair . So it is recommended to consume eggs, liver, in yeast bread and cereals.

However, there are other causes of non-nutritional origin that can cause alopecia: nervousness, stress , environmental factors, dermatological problems, certain medications, seasonal changes (during the fall, for example, many people lose their hair more than usual), the use of certain hair products (shampoos, lotions), etc.

Therefore, one of the first recommendations of the experts is to bring a diet balanced and rich in these foods.

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