Recommendations for perfect abs

Ideally, when working a muscle it will burn fats just from the desired place, but it really is not like that; Many people think that a perfect belly is achieved with ABS , but they make 2 mistakes: the abdominal exercises by themselves will not make you lose fat located in that area and the musculature of abdomen It is not formed by a single muscle but by several tissues.


Unfortunately you can not tell the body where you want it burn fat when it occurs, it burns through all the places where it is left; for men the most difficult to disappear is that of the abdominal area , while for women the most rebellious areas are the buttocks and the legs .


Here we offer you some tips to highlight the much desired "laundry" or marks of your abdominal muscles, because, in the end, we all have inside perfect abs .


You have to be clear about three essential conditions: nutrition adequate, exercises of resistance and activity cardiovascular .


In the routine of training daily should not miss resistance exercises where several muscle groups are worked, these exercises are those that positively affect the metabolism They demand a lot of energy during the work session and help burn more calories.


Sentadillas, lunges, military press, etcetera. Be sure to include any of these exercises in your anaerobic training routine.


The next thing to keep in mind is the cardiovascular exercise because it is what really makes you lose more fat. It is important to involve the two available options: constant activity and intervals of great intensity. Constant activity refers to everything that is done day by day as for example run instead of walking or use the stairs instead of the elevator.


High intensity intervals refer to the frequent and disciplined practice of cardiovascular exersise , jog, use the escalator in the gym. etc; He too sex help to Burn calories besides the implicit pleasure and satisfaction.


These exercises are key to burn fat and also help to improve resistance, which is essential when making abdominal exercises .


Logically, it is also necessary to perform sit-ups to mark and stand out, as a rule it is not enough to lose weight.


Abdominal exercises will not make you lose fat, but they are responsible for the muscles to increase in volume and be stronger.

When structuring a routine abdominal training Remember to do it the right way, avoid those useless or harmful exercises and focus on those that can give you more benefits. One way to be sure of doing well is to consult your program with a personal trainer.

For beginners and people who do not look for a muscular volume great, the best guideline to follow is to perform abdominal exercises 3 times a week following a plan training well structured, consult the tips for perfect abs to expand your possibilities.


In addition to these recommendations, we suggest that you go with a qualified trainer so that he will assign you an ideal routine for your lifestyle.



Video Medicine: Diet Plan for 6 Pack Abs (STEP BY STEP!) (May 2024).